I CARE - Safety Initiatives
I CARE safety program is our proactive approach to ensuring the safety and health of employees, contractors, customers, the environment and the general public is our top priority in deciding how to plan, schedule, and execute any project we are hired to execute.
Our company defines I CARE as part of the HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) processes and procedures to help identify potential hazards, develop preventive measures, educate employees on safety awareness, and keep everyone safe on the job.
The zero-incident safety policy of I CARE is measured by our actions and behaviors, modeled by our leaders, and engrained in our team members. It is the company culture of ALS to implement I CARE in order to work as a safety check and balance system to close gaps caused by the diversity of our company, its environment, and human behavior in the workplace.

How Our Safety​ Program Works
Consistent expectations and program alignment are developed and communicated throughout the organization. \
A hands-on leadership approach through leadership site visits and management site tours.​
Strong Safety Culture​
I CARE, is a behavior-based safety system based on an observation process to identify and eliminate hazards on the job.​
Performing a proactive HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) audit allows you to target areas of weakness. ​
Employee orientation and safety training process that includes retention evaluations
TRIR - 0
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of a company's safety efforts, the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is one of many safety indicators used.
In TRIR, the number of recordable incidents per 100 full-time employees is calculated over a one-year period to provide a snapshot of the safety performance of the company. At ALS Industrial Services, our I-Care Safety Initiatives have a zero (0) incident rate, which is exceptional compared to other safety initiatives around the country.
EMR - .64
Workers' compensation insurance premiums are calculated using an EMR or experience modification rating. A score of .64 from ALS Industrial Services indicates that our company is safer than most. Consequently, premiums are lower, the risk is reduced, and bid opportunities are increased.